Arrive in Kyoto Station by Shinkansen. For more information about access to Kyoto, see Access Info @ City of Kyoto and Kyoto Convention & Visitors Bureau Website.
Arrive in Kyoto Station by Shinkansen. For infomation about arriving in Kyoto, see Access Info @ City of Kyoto and Kyoto Convention & Visitors Bureau Website.
•Please enter the bus from the back door, and exit at the front. The bus fare is paid as you get off the bus.
•To use the bus within the city centre, the fare is \230 for adults, and \110 for children (aged 6 to 12 years). The fare for traveling outside of the city center is dependent upon the distance traveled.
•Information about the route the bus will take is indicated by the bus number and main destination displayed on the front, back, and side of the bus near the door.
1. Looking at the Route Map, search for the bus number which goes from the place you are now, to the place you want to go. Determine the name of the bus stop from where you will ride, and your destination. (The route map can be found at information sites at train and subway stations)