For details and requirements of program certification, please also refer to the Curriculum Policy and Diploma Policy.

Practical Fieldwork Training

Basic Training for Fieldwork Field-based Training

Students learn survival skills as the basis for future fieldwork through wildlife observation and mountaineering

Field Training on Animal Behavior and Ecology Field-based Training

Students experience direct observation of wild monkeys on Koshima Island, the birthplace of Japanese primatology. Students are required to plan the research topic based on their own interest. They collect and analyze data and make a presentation.

Advanced Training in Field Biology Field-based Training

Students will tackle new research themes and challenge exploratory research in Yakushima Island or the other research site of PWS. Participants gain experience in actual field surveys.

Field Course in Marine Mammalogy Field-based Training

Advanced Laboratory Skills in Field Biology Lab-based Training

In recent field studies, various techniques and equipment are used, such as molecular biology, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. Students experience modern techniques than can apply to field research.

Animal Welfare Course Lab-based Training

Students learn about animal welfare in captive animals. They will engage in activities for environmental enrichment, feeding enrichment, and cognitive enrichment. They will also learn basics of behavioral observation and comparative cognitive science which are needed in practicing and evaluating those enrichment activities.

Fundamental Zoo Science Lab-based Training

Students get practical experience in environmental education in the field of primatology/wildlife science as well as to learn to work as a curator, one of the three exit points of the PWS program. This course provides lectures by zoo technicians and practical training as zookeepers.

Note: Students are required to complete at least one course from the field-based trainings and one course from the laboratory-based trainings listed above.

Independently-planned Self-training in Fieldwork

Students individually design and implement training projects. This focuses on developing skills in project planning related to one or more of the three exit points (goals) of the PWS program (i.e., conservation specialization, curation, outreach). Students are required to design and conduct individual overseas training projects.

Domestic/overseas Long-term Self-planned Internship

Students conduct a self-planned internship using one of our research bases or cooperating facilities as a hub of activities. This internship has the potential to lead to a career in one of the three areas identified by PWS, namely "museum curators with doctorates," "international organizations," and "outreach."

Acquisition of Skills for Gathering and Disseminating Knowledge and information for Research, and Acquisition of Language(s) for Communication Use

Foreign Language Requirement for the Kyoto University Leading Graduate Program in Primatology and Wildlife Research

Because of its strongly international focus, PWS encourages all students to make their best efforts to become multilingual ambassadors of animals and their environments. Students are therefore required to become proficient in at least one foreign language in addition to their native language, i.e. mother tongue, and even encouraged to work on additional languages.

For all students whose native language is not English, the foreign language requirement is met by showing satisfactory progress in the English language over the course of the PWS program. For international students whose native language is English, the foreign language requirement must be fulfilled using another language of their choice.

Proficiency in English, as well as any other required foreign languages chosen by students, will be evaluated at the end of each academic year by PWS faculty and other language facilitators.

In addition to the required foreign language, students are also strongly recommended to become proficient in a second foreign language. For both required and recommended foreign languages, students should choose a language which will most strongly benefit their graduate work in the PWS program or related future work (e.g. English plus a local language spoken in the area in which students are conducting fieldwork).

Note that language training is to be fully initiated and maintained by students, following a self-study paradigm. However, PWS faculty can help by facilitating self-study, such as through connecting students with native speakers of their respective language choice(s) (language facilitators) and/or directly communicating with students about or in some cases even in their chosen language(s).

For students wishing to pursue further foreign languages, PWS faculty will do its best to encourage and facilitate such wishes. Our ultimate aim here is to motivate students to become active members of the international community, where having command of multiple languages is a clear primer for success.