The role of the National Commission for Natural Protected Areas is to preserve the natural heritage of Mexico through protected areas and other conservation modalities, promoting the value of preserving this natural heritage and fostering the sustainable development of communities who live within or around those areas. One way to strengthen our governmental mission is throughout multilateral cooperation and compliance to inter-governmental commitments. Just like Japan, Mexico has ratified the International Convention on Wetlands, so called Ramsar Convention. The treaty was negotiated by countries and non-governmental organizations concerned about the increasing loss and degradation of wetland habitat for migratory waterbirds. In this talk, I will contrast this global ecosystem-based approach with another example of international cooperation involving a regional species-based approach: the trilateral convention for the conservation of the Monarch butterfly migratory phenomenon, established by the Presidents of North America whose were concerned by the 90% decrement of migratory butterflies. While both approaches target the preservation of flagship migratory species, their legal, institutional and technical foundations present opportunities and limitations that have to be tackled in tight collaboration with the local communities, local and other federal authorities, NGOs and academia. I will argue about the importance of having multi-disciplinary capacities and interests in this context: preserving our biological diversity and natural resources cannot be the matter of only biologists and park managers.
Dr. Laura Martinez, who got Ph.D at Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, is now a coordinator for wetlands and coastal Marine Areas in Mexico. She is also involved in national commission for natural protected areas. In her talk, she introduced her global conservation activity based on ecosystem (related to Ramsar Convention). She also introduced the trilateral convention (Canada, US and Mexico) for the conservation of the Monarch butterfly, that migrates across those countries. In this seminar, we had around 25 attendees (graduate students and researchers).
ラウラ・マルティネス先生は霊長類研究所で大学院生時代をすごされ、 チンパンジーの認知研究(視聴覚統合)で博士を取得された後 梨花女子大学校を経て、現在はメキシコにおける湿地帯の生態系、 沿岸の海域や自然保護区についての保全活動をされている。 当日は、ラムサール条約にもとづく生態系に着目した湿地帯の保全活動や、 メキシコを含めた北米で渡りをする動物(Monarch butterfly)の生態系および その保護についての紹介があった。25名程の参加者があった。
霊長研で行われたセミナーの後、ラウラ・マルティネス先生は京都に移動され、吉田泉殿でセミナーを行った。セミナーは、発表者と約20人の参 加者が同じ机の周りに座り、時にはマルティネス先生の子供の笑い声も聞こえてくる中、終始和やかな雰囲気の中進行した。 話題は大きく2つあり、ラムサール条約によるメキシコ内の生態系を含めた湿地の保全についてと、メキシコ・カナダ・アメリカの3国間で渡りを 行う習性があるオオカバマダラ(Danaus plexippus)の保全についてであった。特にオオカバマダラの保全のために、3国の大統領が条約を締結し たという話は注目を集めていた。
Dr. Laura Martinez came to Kyoto after the seminar in PRI, and had a seminar at Yoshida-Izumidono. There were about 20 people of attendees sitting around a large table, and she also sat around the table together with other attendees. She gave us a presentation in a relaxed atmosphere. She talked about the preservation of wetlands in Mexico under the Ramsar Convention. In addition, she mentioned about the preservation of migratory monarch butterflies as an example of international cooperation, and reported that the presidents of Mexico, Canada and US have concluded a treaty in order to conserve this species. There was a heated discussion, especially about this topic.