The 14th International Symposium
on Primatology and Wildlife Science

Date September 11-12, 2020

Many thanks to all the participants of the 14th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science.

Award Winner
Oral Presentation
Yuri Kawaguchi
"Cognitive responses to infants in apes: Comparative cognitive studies"

Poster Presentation
Due to the technical issues we had in Remo, it was difficult to fairly evaluate the poster presentations. Thus, we decided not to select any award winners for the posters this time. We ask for your understanding.
Registration site is now open. The deadline for online registration and abstract submission has passed.
Already registered users: Sign in here to view meeting details (e.g., instructions for online participation) or update/cancel your registration.
Online Student Workshop
When: Saturday, Sep. 12, 13:30–14:30 (after the symposium)
Who is it for?: undergraduate & graduate students
To sign up for this event, fill out the online form:
See the flyer for more details.

Note to Participants:
  1. This symposium will be held online. For participants who do not have reliable Internet connections, we intend to make available Internet-ready conference rooms at the Wildlife Research Center, Primate Research Institute, and Kumamoto Sanctuary on the days of the symposium. If the state of the COVID-19 pandemic forces us to change our plans, we will announce it on this website by September 3.
  2. Oral presentations will be delivered on Zoom, and posters will be presented on Remo. Instructions on how to prepare your presentation will be provided in August on this website.
  3. For scheduling reasons, we may not be able to accommodate your preferred type of presentation and may ask you to change your presentation type (e.g., from oral to poster).
  4. You must be registered to attend the symposium even if you are an audience participant.
  5. If you are not an invited speaker and are not affiliated with Kyoto University or the PWS program, please contact a PWS faculty member and obtain permission to attend the symposium, informing them of your affiliation and purpose for attending (also your tentative title and abstract if you would like to present); you will be asked to provide the name of that faculty member when you register for the symposium. You will not be able to attend the symposium without such permission. You can find a list of PWS faculty members and their contact information at:
  6. You may not disseminate the content of any presentation without an explicit permission from the presenter.
  1. オンライン開催を予定しています。ただし、通信環境に不安がある方には、野生動物研究センター、霊長類研究所、熊本サンクチュアリの拠点会場(いずれも会議室等を想定)からオンライン参加できるよう対応します。新型コロナウイルスの影響で拠点会場の使用が制限されるなど、開催方式に変更がある場合は、9月3日までにこのHPでお知らせします。
  2. 口頭発表はZOOM、ポスター発表はREMOのシステムを使って実施することを予定しています。発表方法の詳細は8月中にお知らせします。
  3. 開催日程の都合により、発表形式の変更等をお願いする場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
  4. 聴講のみの方も参加登録が必要ですので、ご注意ください。
  5. PWS・京都大学関係者以外の方は、事前にPWS分担者(いずれか1名)連絡をとり、所属・参加目的、発表される方は発表タイトル・概要等を伝えて参加承諾を得てください。参加登録申込にあたり、承諾したPWS分担者の氏名記入が必要です。PWS分担者の参加承諾を確認できない場合は、参加いただけませんのでご注意ください。 PWS分担者の情報は以下から確認できます。
  6. 発表内容を発表者の許可なく拡散することは禁止します。