The 17th International Symposium
on Primatology and Wildlife Science

March 07-08, 2022
Award Winners
Student Oral Presentation Award
Hiroto Yoshimura
Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University

Metabarcoding of Fecal DNA Indicates Frequent Plant Consumption in Wild Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia)

Student Poster Presentation Awards
1st Prize:
Naoto Toyoda
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University

Evolutionary Patterns of the Facial Part of the Cranium in Strepsirrhines: Combining Geometric Morphometrics and Phylogenetic Comparative Methods

2nd Prize:
Qi Luan Lim
Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University

Population Genetic Structure of the Malayan Tapirs in Peninsular Malaysia Revealed by Nine Cross-species Microsatellite Markers: Genetic Diversity Compared to the Japanese Ex-situ Population

Program & Abstracts.pdf
Updated Feb. 28, 2022


Plenary Speakers

7th March

Dr. Andrew Whiten School of Psychology & Neuroscience, University of St Andrews
Title: The Discovery and Reach of Culture in Primates' Lives
[Co-sponsored by CICASP as the 10th International Primatology Lecture]

8th March

Dr. Takakazu Yumoto Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Title: The Values of Biodiversity and SDGs

PWS Symposia Special Session for JSPS Core-to-Core program of WRC

Note to Participants
  1. This symposium will be held in hybrid format (on-site+zoom). Due to the regulation by Kyoto University, only Kyoto University members are able to participate on-site (Science Seminar House, Kyoto University). Other participants will join via zoom webinar.
  2. Oral presentations will be delivered on Zoom, and posters will be presented on LINC Biz. Further information will be announced later.
  3. For scheduling reasons, we may not be able to accommodate your preferred type of presentation and may ask you to change your presentation type (e.g., from oral to poster).
  4. You must be registered to attend the symposium even if you are not presenting.
  5. If you are not affiliated with Kyoto University or the PWS program and wish to present*, please obtain permission from a PWS faculty member by informing them of your affiliation and a title and brief summary of your presentation; you will be asked to provide the name of that faculty member when you register for the symposium, and you will not be able to present without such permission. You can find a list of PWS faculty members and their contact information at: * Non-presenting attendees do not need to obtain permission from a PWS faculty member.
  6. You may not disseminate the content of any presentation without an explicit permission from the presenter.
  1. 会場(京都大学理学セミナーハウス)とZoomウェビナーのハイブリッド開催を予定しています。会場の規定により参加は京都大学に所属する方に限らせていただきます。京都大学所属の方でも、Zoom参加を選択することが可能です。
  2. 口頭発表はZOOM、ポスター発表はLINC Bizのシステムを使って実施することを予定しています。発表方法の詳細はおってお知らせします。
  3. 開催日程の都合により、発表形式の変更等をお願いする場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
  4. 聴講のみの方も参加登録が必要ですので、ご注意ください。
  5. PWS・京都大学関係者以外の方で口頭発表もしくはポスター発表を希望される場合は、事前にPWS分担者(いずれか1名)連絡をとり、所属、参加目的、発表タイトル、概要等を伝えて承諾を得てください。参加登録申込にあたり、承諾したPWS分担者の氏名記入が必要です。PWS分担者の承諾を確認できない場合は、発表いただけませんのでご注意ください。 ※PWS・京都大学関係者以外の方で聴講のみを希望される場合は、PWS分担者の承諾は不要です。 PWS分担者の情報は以下から確認できます。
  6. 発表内容を発表者の許可なく拡散することは禁止します。

Important Dates

[CLOSED] Presenter registration deadline: 17:00 of January 31, 2022 *
[CLOSED] Abstract submission deadline: 09:00 of February 14, 2022 *
[CLOSED] Audience registration deadline: 17:00 of February 28, 2022 *
[CLOSED] Video submission deadline: 17:00 of February 28, 2022*
* Japan Standard Time / UTC+9

(登録者数:132 名) 
3/7:Zoom参加 67名(うち外国人42名)
   理学セミナーハウス参加 11名
3/8:Zoom参加 41名(うち外国人26名)
   理学セミナーハウス参加 13名