「写真展:雲南の山と自然 -山の日制定を記念して-」は500人を超す方々にご来場いただき盛会のうちに閉場いたしました。ご来場いただいた方々ならびに関係各位のご尽力に深く感謝申し上げます。ありがとうございました。

This photo exhibition about "Snowy Mountains and the Snub-nosed Monkeys" is opened in Matsumoto City Museum of Art. Excellent animal photography requires experience, knowledge and patience. Snow mountain photography is always more than meet the eye. Aerial photography is one of the most intense and most extreme moments which require great skill to create and awesome effect and a good picture. All the exhibits took the fancy of the visitors very much. To conclude, this photo exhibition is informative and fantastic, it will become a bridge, literally and figuratively, between China and Japan. I wish not only a prosperous friendship between the peoples of China and Japan but also a sister-city relationship with Lijiang and Matsumoto.

Cette exposition de photos sur les ‘Montagnes neigeuses et Singes au nez-retroussé’ est présentée au Musée d’Art de la ville de Matsumoto. Une excellente photographie animalière nécessite de l’expérience, de la connaissance et de la patience. La photographie de montagne en neige est bien plus complexe qu’il n’y parait. La photographie aérienne est une des disciplines les plus intenses et extrêmes, elle nécessite de bonnes compétences pour créer un effet impressionnant et une bonne photo. Toutes les expositions suscitent l’envie chez les visiteurs. Pour conclure, cette exposition de photos est instructive et fantastique, elle deviendra un pont, au propre et au figuré, entre la Chine et le Japon. Je n’espère pas seulement une amitié prospère entre les peuples de Chine et du Japon mais aussi un jumelage entre Lijiang et Matsumoto.


写真展:雲南の山と自然 -山の日制定を記念して-
Mountains and Wildlife in Yunnan China
Photo exhibition of the snowy mountains and the snub-nosed monkeys

日本特别定制的山之纪念 中国云南之山与野生动物

Montanhas e Vida Selvagem em Yunnan China.
Mostra fotográfica das montanhas nevadas e dos macacos-de-nariz-arrebitado

Montagnes et vie sauvage au Yunnan en Chine
Exposition de photos sur les montagnes neigeuses et les singes au nez-retroussé

雲南省の山と自然の写真展です。本邦初公開となる梅里雪山(最高峰はカワカブ6740m)などの空撮と、雲南キンシコウの未知の生態を展示しています。ヒマラヤの東端に位置する、世界自然遺産である三江併流地域での、京都大学霊長類学・ワイルドライフサイエンス・リーディング大学院の活動の一端をぜひご覧ください。写真は、LI Lichuan, Katherine FENG, LONG Yongcheng, 小林尚礼の諸氏の手によるものです。
This is the photo exhibition of Mountains and Nature in Yunnan, China. You can see the photos of Meili-Xueshan (the highest peak is called Kawagebo, Kawakabu or Kawagarbo, 6740m) viewed from the sky: This is the first exhibition, in Japan, of the sky-viewed mountains. You also see the unveiled behavior and ecology of the Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys. This is an endeavor of exploring the Three Parallel Rivers area, the World Natural Heritage site, by Kyoto University Leading Graduate Program in Primatology and Wildlife Science. Photos are taken by the following four photographers: LI Lichuan, Katherine FENG, LONG Yongcheng and Naoyuki KOBAYASHI.
此次活动的主题是中国・云南的山岳与自然的照片展。您能观赏到从空中俯瞰梅里雪山的照片(最高峰为卡瓦格博,海拔6740米),在日本,此次影展是首次展出航拍该山脉的照片。同时,您还能观赏到滇金丝猴未加遮掩的行为与生态。这是京都大学灵长类学与野生动物科学项目先导研究生院探索世界自然遗产:三江并流区域的活动。照片由以下四位摄影师拍摄: LI Lichuan, Katherine FENG, LONG Yongcheng and Naoyuki KOBAYASHI.
Esta é a mostra fotográfica das montanhas e da natureza de Yunnan, China. É possível apreciar as fotos de Meili-Xueshan por vista aérea, sendo o pico mais alto chamado de Kawagebo, Kawakabu or Kawagarbo, a 6.740 metros. No Japão, esta é a primeira mostra destas montanhas por vista aérea e podemos também desvendar o comportamento e a ecologia dos macacos-de-nariz-arrebitado. Este é um esforço de descoberta da área de ‘Três Rios Paralelos’ (patrimônio natural mundial), executado pelo ‘Programa de Excelência de Pós Graduação em Primatologia e Estudos da Vida Selvagem’, da Universidade de Kyoto. As fotos são de autoria dos seguintes fotógrafos: LI Lichuan, Katherine FENG, LONG Yongcheng e Naoyuki KOBAYASHI.
Il s’agit d’une exposition de photos sur les Montagnes et la Nature dans la région du Yunnan en Chine. Vous pourrez voir des photos du Meili-Xueshan dont le plus haut sommet (6740 mètres) est appelé Kawagebo, Kawakabu ou Kawagarbo. C’est la première exposition au Japon de vues aériennes de montagnes. Vous verrez également le comportement et l’écologie des singes au nez-retroussé de Yunnan. Il s’agit d’une exploration de la région des ‘Trois Rivières Parallèles’ (patrimoine naturel mondial) par le Programme d’Excellence des Etudes Scientifiques en Primatologie et de la Vie Sauvage de l’Université de Kyoto. Les photos sont prises par les quatre photographes suivants : LI Lichuan, Katherine FENG, LONG Yongcheng et Naoyuki KOBAYASHI.
2014年11月26日(水)から 2014年11月30日(日)まで
Date & Time
November 27 th - 30 th, 2014
2014年11月26日(星期三)至 2014年11月30日(星期日)
上午9点—下午5点 (首日下午3点开始/末日 下午4点)
11月27日-30日 上午9点-下午5点

松本市立美術館 2F多目的ホール
〒390-0811 長野県松本市中央4-2-22 (松本市立美術館ホームページ内インフォメーション・ページ)
Matsumoto City Museum of Art, Nagano Prefecture, JAPAN
松本市立美术馆 2楼 多功能厅
Admission fee
No admission fee is necessary.

Activity Symposium
The speeches will be delivered in front of the panel of the venue of the photo show. Welcome.

11/26 17:00- November 26th

Tetsuro Matsuzawa
Born on Oct. 15th 1950. Professor of Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Dr. of Science Serving Concurrently as Director of Public Corporation - Japan Monkey Centre, Chairman of International Primate Academic Association, National Deputy Mountain Japanese Committee. Purple ribbon winner, Culture ambassador. Major works The Power of Imagination (Iwanami Shoten) etc.
1950年10月15日生 京都大学灵长类研究所教授 理学博士 兼职公益财团法人日本猿猴中心所长、 国际灵长类学会会长、全国山岳日协会副会长、 紫色缎带奖章得主、文化功劳者、主要著作《想象的力量》(岩波出版社)等

雲南省でキンシコウの調査を始めています。キンシコウというのは孫悟空のモデルになったサルです。霊長類(サルのなかま)で最も高いところにすむものが、雲南キンシコウです。そのさらに西の梅里雪山の山稜のどこかには、未知の梅里キンシコウがいるかもしれません。 雲南の山とサルについて最新の成果をお話します。

Snub-nosed monkeys:Prototype of Monkey King

I started the research on snub-nosed monkeys in Yunnan, China. The so-called snub-nosed monkeys are the prototypical monkeys of the image of Monkey King. Among Primates (Monkey’s close pals), who live in the highest place, they are known as Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys. Moreover, in the mountains west to Meli Snow Mountain, there might be an unknown species, Meili snub-nose monkey. I am going to talk about the newest research findings concerning snowy mountains and monkeys in Yunnan, China.


11/27 17:00-18:00 November 27th

山越 言
京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科・准教授 〈松本深志高校卒〉
Gen Yamakoshi
Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University・Assistant Professor (Graduated from Matsumoto Fukashi Normal University)
京都大学 研究生院亚洲・非洲区域研究研究科 副教授

人類が山岳に挑むようになったのは近代以降のことですが、それ以前から、また現代でも、自然に依存して暮らす人びとは山を畏れ敬い、護り、また生活の場と して利用しながら生きてきました。近代と地域の人びとの自然観の違いに注目して、信州の自然、「アルプス」や「安曇野」という言葉の歴史に触れ、そこから 世界各地の環境保全活動の将来について考えてみます。

Life in the depth of Asian and African mountains

Not until contemporary era did human beings start the endeavor to challenge mountains. Nevertheless, before then and also now, for those whose lives are indispensible with mountains and nature, awe dwells within. Simultaneously in daily life, people protect and make use of mountains and nature. Focusing on the nature ideology that differs from area to area in contemporary era, I call for the notice of the history of such words as Nature of Sinsyu, “the Alps” or “Azumino” and on basis of these concepts, think about the future of environmental conservation all over the world.



11/29 11:00-12:00 November 29th


Naoyuki Kobayashi
Photographer/Representative of Kawagebo Committee

雲南の最高峰・梅里雪山 その自然と聖地の魅力


The highest peak in Yunnan・Meili Snow Mountain The Charm of nature and the holy land

It was in 1991 people searched for the remains of 17 mountain climbers of the mountain accident. Friends’ efforts of searching their bodies have been lasting in Meili Snow Mountain which was known as Kawakabo (White Snow in Tibetan) for more than 15 years. I will talk about the endless profoundness, the charm of the grand and admirable great holy mountain I witnessed during the process of searching for the deceased, and the latest local interviews.



Presented by

Leading Graduate Program
in Primatology and Wildlife Science(PWS), Kyoto University

Co-Hosted by

Academic Alpine Club Kyoto


岳都・松本 山岳フォーラム2014
山の日制定・信州 山の日制定・中部山岳国立公園指定80周年・八ヶ岳中信高原国定公園指定50周年を祝して、11/29-30に、岳都・松本 山岳フォーラム2014が開催されます。 会場は、当写真展が開催される松本市立美術館と近くの、まつもと市民芸術館です。ぜひ、あわせてお立ち寄りください。
No. 01    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Walking in the treetops

Look, this juvenile can move with ease through the tops of the trees.



Marcher sur la cime des arbres.

Regardez comme ce juvénile se déplace avec facilité au sommet des arbres.

Andando no topo das árvores

Olhem, este jovem consegue se mover facilmente através do topo das árvores.

No. 02    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Motherly love

An infant enjoys being cosseted by its mother.



L’amour d’une mère

Le petit aime se faire cajoler par sa mère.

Amor materno

Um filhote adora ser mimado por sua mãe.

No. 03    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Nice each other

Each family contains several females and they are nice to each other.



Gentilles les unes avec les autres

Chaque famille est formée de plusieurs femelles qui sont toujours aimables les unes envers les autres et s’entraident mutuellement.

Gentis umas com as outras

Cada família possui várias fêmeas, que são gentis umas com as outras.

No. 04    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
‘Bungee jumping’

This species of monkey is very good at leaping huge distances.



Saut dans le vide

Cette espèce de singes est très douée pour sauter de grandes distances.

‘Bungee jumping’

Esta espécie de macaco é muito hábil para saltar grandes distâncias.

No. 05    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Playful youngster

The juveniles are more active than the adults, and seldom stay still.



Garçon joueur

Les juvéniles sont plus actifs que les adultes et restent rarement en place.

Jovem brincalhão

Os jovens são mais ativos do que os adultos e raramente ficam parados.

No. 06    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Reaching out

This male infant is reaching out to his mother as she climbs a tree.



A la rescousse

Ce petit mâle essaie d’aider sa mère à grimper à l’arbre.


O filhote tenta ajudar sua mãe enquanto ela escala a árvore.

No. 07    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Calm female

Females seem relatively calm and quiet.



Femelle sereine

Les femelles semblent plus calmes et plus faciles à vivre.

Fêmea tranqüila

Fêmeas parecem ser mais calmas e quietas.

No. 08    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Walking bipedally

Look, this adult male is able to walk bipedally, for a short time.



Marche bipède

Regardez comme ce mâle est capable de marcher de façon bipède pendant quelques instants.

Andando bipedalmente

Olhem, por um curto tempo este macho adulto consegue andar de forma bípede

No. 09    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Enjoying munching on lichen

Lichen is the major part of the snub-nosed monkey diet



Se régaler de lichen

Le lichen est l’alimentation principale du singe au nez-retroussé.

Saboreando líquens

Líquens compõem a maior parte da dieta do macaco-de-nariz-arrebitado.

No. 10    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Fighting among males

Males are more aggressive towards each other than are females, demonstrating their strength.



Combat entre mâles

Les mâles combattent souvent entre eux pour montrer leur force.

Briga entre machos

Machos são mais agressivos entre si que as fêmeas, demonstrando assim, sua força.

No. 11    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Standing up

This juvenile walks bipedally with relative ease.




Ce juvénile marche sur ses deux pieds avec une aisance relative.

Em pé

Este jovem anda em pé com certa facilidade.

No. 12    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Bipedal walk

Look, this male demonstrates walking bipedally.



Marche bipède

Regardez, ce mâle fait une démonstration de marche bipède.

Andando de pé

Olhem, este macho demonstra saber andar bipedalmente.

No. 13    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Mother grooming her infant

Infants are groomed mostly by their mothers.



Toiletté par la mère

Les petits sont généralement toilettés par leurs mères.

Mãe limpando sua cria

Na maior parte das vezes, os bebês são limpos pelas suas mães.

No. 14    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Fighting among males

Males frequently fight with each other to advertise their strength.



Combat entre mâles

Les mâles combattent souvent entre eux pour montrer leur force.

Briga entre machos

Machos frequentemente brigam entre si para mostrar sua força.

No. 15    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Mother grooming her infant

Infants are groomed mostly by their mothers.



Toiletté par la mère

Les petits sont généralement toilettés par leurs mères.

Mãe limpando sua cria

Os bebês são limpos majoritariamente pelas suas mães

No. 16    Photo taken by Katherine Feng

Climbing is a skill essential to survival, but takes practice to perfect.




Etre capable de grimper est essentiel pour la survie mais nécessite beaucoup de pratique pour y parvenir.


A escalada é uma habilidade essencial para sobrevivência, mas é preciso prática para atingir a perfeição.

No. 17    Photo taken by Katherine Feng

Climbing is a skill essential to survival, but practise makes perfect...




Etre capable de grimper est essentiel pour la survie mais nécessite beaucoup de pratique pour y parvenir.

A escalada é uma habilidade essencial para sobrevivência, mas é preciso prática para atingir a perfeição.

No. 18    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Bipedal running

A juvenile monkey attempts to run bipedally.



Course bipède

Il semble que ce juvénile essaie d’apprendre la course bipède.

Corrida bípede

Um jovem macaco tenta correr bipedalmente.

No. 19    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Vertical climbing - scaling a tree-trunk

Climbing is a skill essential to survival, but takes practice to perfect.

垂直攀爬 — 沿着树干爬



Etre capable de grimper est essentiel pour la survie mais nécessite beaucoup de pratique pour y parvenir.

Escalada vertical – subindo um tronco de árvore.

A escalada é uma habilidade essencial para sobrevivência, mas é preciso prática para atingir a perfeição.

No. 20    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Deft mothers

Mothers are capable of leaping large distances, even with the weight of their infant clinging to them.



Mère courage

Les mères peuvent aussi sauter de très haut avec leurs bébés.

Mães habilidosas

Mães são capazes de saltar grandes distâncias, mesmo com o peso de suas crias agarradas a elas.

No. 21    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Bipedal walking

Look at this male - walking bipedally


看这位仁兄— 双足直立行走。

Marche bipède

Regardez comme ce mâle est capable de marcher de façon bipède.

Andando de pé

Olhem este macho – andando bipedalmente.

No. 22    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Keeping warm

It gets so cold that the monkeys benefit from huddling close together to conserve heat and keep each other warm.



Garder la chaleur

Comme il fait très froid, les singes se tiennent serrés les uns contre les autres pour avoir chaud.

Se mantendo aquecidos

Como faz frio, os macacos se agrupam para preservar o calor.

No. 23    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Being groomed by three females

This male is enjoying being groomed by three 'wives' - females.



Toiletté par trois femelles

Ce mâle apprécie d’être toiletté par ses trois femelles.

Sendo limpo por três fêmeas.

Este macho está apreciando ser limpo por suas três ‘esposas’.

No. 24    Photo taken by Katherine Feng

This juvenile walks bipedally with apparent ease.




Ce juvénile marche sur ses deux pieds avec une aisance visible.

De pé

Este jovem anda em pé com certa facilidade.

No. 25    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Baring teeth

Males display their large canines, from time to time.



Montrer les dents

De temps en temps, les mâles montrent leurs grosses canines.

Mostrando os dentes

De vez em quando, os machos mostram seus enormes caninos.

No. 26a    Photo taken by Katherine Feng
Nimble fingers

The Yunnan golden monkey has relatively dextrous hands and their fingernails are very similar to our own.



Les doigts agiles

Le singe d’or de Yunnan a des doigts agiles et leurs ongles ressemblent à ceux des humains.

Dedos ágeis

O macaco-dourado de Yunnan tem mãos relativamente hábeis e suas unhas são muito similares às nossas.

No. 26b    Photo taken by Liu Jie

No. 27    Photo taken by Liu Jie

No. 28    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Kawagebo Peak 6740m of Meili-Xueshan, the north-east viewed from the sky



Vue Nord-Est aérienne du sommet Kawagebo (6740mètres) de Meili-Xueshan.

Pico Kawagebo (6.740 metros), cadeia de montanhas Meili-Xueshan, vista aérea do nordeste da montanha.

No. 29    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Kawagebo Peak 6740m and the satellite peaks of Meili-Xueshan, viewed from the sky



Vue aérienne du sommet Kawagebo (6740 mètres) de Meili-Xueshan.

Pico Kawagebo (6.740 metros) e os picos ‘satélites’ por vista aérea.

No. 30    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 31    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Kawagebo Peak 6740m of Meili-Xueshan, the east face viewed from the sky



Vue aérienne de la face Est du sommet Kawagebo de Meili-Xueshan (6740 mètres).

Pico Kawagebo (6.740 metros), cadeia de montanhas Meili-Xueshan, face leste vista do céu.

No. 32    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 33    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 34    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 35    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 36    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 37    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 38    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Baima Xueshan (Zhalaqueni) 5429m the north east viewed from the sky


白马雪山(珠峰扎拉雀尼)5429米 航拍东北角度

Vue Nord-Est aérienne (5429 mètres) de Baima Xueshan (Zhalaqueni)

Baima Xueshan (Zhalaqueni), 5.429 metros, Nordeste visto do céu.

No. 39    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 40    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 41    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng
Striking sexual dimorphism

This is a Yunnan snub-nosed monkey family with four members: father, mother and two infants. Look how large the father is relative to the others! His body weight is at least three times that of the mother. The monkey exhibits the most obvious sexual dimorphism among all the mammals, that is, a striking difference in relative body size between males and females of the same species.



Dimorphisme sexuel frappant

Il s’agit d’une famille de singes au nez retroussé de Yunnan avec 4 membres : le père, la mère et leurs deux enfants. Regardez comme le père est énorme ! Son poids fait au moins trois fois celui de la mère. Cette espèce de singe présente le dimorphisme sexuel le plus évident parmi tous les mammifères, caractérisé par une différence significative dans la taille du corps entre les mâles et les femelles.

Forte dimorfismo sexual

Esta é uma família de macacos-de-nariz-arrebitado de Yunnan, com quarto membros: pai, mãe e duas crianças. Veja o quão grande o pai é em comparação aos demais! Seu peso é pelo menos três vezes maior que o da mãe. Esta espécie apresenta o mais evidente dimorfismo sexual entre todos os mamíferos, ou seja, apresentam uma forte diferença em tamanho relativo do corpo entre machos e fêmeas da mesma espécie.

No. 42    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng
‘Flying’ monkey

The Yunnan golden monkey has an adeptness for ‘acrobatics’ - leaping huge distances between trees with accuracy. Unlike human gymnasts, they require no safety net.



滇金丝猴有娴熟的“杂技”— 精确地跳跃“飞越”树与树之间的巨大间距。与人类体操健将不同的是它们不需要安全网。

Singe volant

Les singes d’or de Yunnan ont tous la capacité de faire des « acrobaties », et leurs performances ne nécessitent aucune précaution particulière.

Macaco voador

Os macacos-dourados de Yunnan tem uma aptidão para ‘acrobacias’ – saltando grandes distâncias entre árvores com precisão. Ao contrário de ginastas humanos, eles não precisam de rede de proteção.

No. 43    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng

Male Yunnan golden monkeys are typically large and of stocky build.





Le singe mâle d’or de Yunnan est en général grand et trapu.


Machos da espécie macaco-dourado de Yunnan são geralmente grandes e parrudos.

No. 44
Photo taken by Long Yongcheng
Rooting out underground tubers

Yunnan golden monkeys feed down on the ground pretty often, sometimes even searching for and digging up underground roots and tubers.



A la recherche de tubercules

Les singes d’or de Yunnan se nourrissent fréquemment au sol et ils peuvent même de temps en temps extraire des tubercules du sol.

Desenterrando tubérculos do subsolo

Os macacos-dourados de Yunan se alimentam frequentemente do solo, e às vezes até procuram e desenterram raízes e tubérculos da terra.

No. 45    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng
Edible flowers

Rhododendron flowers are also edible to these monkeys.



Fleurs comestibles

Les fleurs de rhododendron sont également comestibles pour les singes.

Flores comestíveis

As flores rododendro são igualmente comestíveis para estes macacos.

No. 46    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng
Feeding on lichens

This monkey appears incredibly focused on eating tree-bark lichens. These monkeys are known to feed on a wide variety of lichens - unusual in a mammal.


这位滇金丝猴聚精会神地吃松萝。滇金丝猴以吃各种不同种类的松萝而著称 — 在哺乳动物中实属罕见。

Se nourrir de lichens

Ce singe est extrêmement concentré lorsqu’il se nourrit de lichens. Ces singes sont connus pour se nourrir d’une variété de lichens et c’est inhabituel chez les mammifères.

Se alimentando de líquens

Este macaco parece incrivelmente focado em comer líquens das cascas de árvores. Estes macacos são conhecidos por se alimentar de uma vasta variedade de líquens, algo raro em mamíferos.

No. 47    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng
Monkey diet

By the end of winter, all the lichen on the trees has all been eaten. Fortunately, new lichen will soon appear, come spring.



L’alimentation des singes

Les lichens sur les arbres ont été mangés après l’hiver. Heureusement, les nouvelles pousses arriveront bientôt au printemps.

Dieta de macaco

No fim do inverno, todos os líquens nas árvores já foram comidos. Felizmente, novos líquens irão aparecer em breve na primavera.

No. 48    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng

During spring and summer, Yunnan golden monkeys eat a large quantity of leaves of many different plants. Researchers think that this may even ‘hep’ the health of the forest, as a natural form of tree-pruning.



Mangeur de feuilles

Les singes d’or de Yunnan mangent également une grande quantité de feuilles diverses au printemps et en été, ce qui peut participer à un élagage naturel des arbres dans la forêt.

Comedores de folhas

Durante a primavera e o verão, os macacos-dourados de Yunnan comem uma grande quantidade de folhas de muitas plantas diferentes. Pesquisadores acreditam que isto até mesmo ajude à saúde da floresta, como uma forma natural de poda.

No. 49    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng
Learning to find food

This juvenile is biting bark from a branch. He may be either feeding or perhaps just trying out his teeth.



Apprendre à chercher de la nourriture

Ce juvénile est en train de mordre de l’écorce d’une branche d’arbre. Peut-être se nourrit-il ou peut-être est-il seulement en train d’apprendre à se servir de ses dents.

Aprendendo a achar comida

Este jovem morde a casca de um galho. Talvez ele esteja ou se alimentando, ou apenas testando seus dentes.

No. 50    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng

Juveniles enjoy playing together. Playing is most likely essential to their survival, preparing them for adult life.




Les juvéniles adorent jouer les uns avec les autres et un tel comportement est essentiel pour leur survie et indispensable pour accéder à l’âge adulte.


Jovens gostam de brincar juntos. Este ato é provavelmente essencial para sua sobrevivência, os preparando para a vida adulta.

No. 51    Photo taken by Long Yongcheng
Monkey sleeping-site

This family are all sharing the same branch and are soon to fall sleep there.



La maison des singes

Cette famille est restée sur une branche et bientôt tous s’y endormiront.

Local de dormir dos macacos

Nesta família, todos partilham o mesmo tronco e logo irão adormecer nele.

No. 52    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 53    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 54    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Western face of Meili snow mountains

Face Ouest des montagnes Meili

Face oeste das montanhas nevadas Meili.

No. 55    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Western face of Meili snow mountains

Face Ouest des montagnes Meili

Face oeste das montanhas nevadas Meili.

No. 56    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Western face of Meili snow mountains

Face Ouest des montagnes Meili

Face oeste das montanhas nevadas Meili.

No. 57    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Western face of Meili snow mountains

Face Ouest des montagnes Meili

Face oeste das montanhas nevadas Meili.

No. 58    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 59    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Zhuoaoyou snow mountain (卓奥友雪山)

Montagne Zhuoaoyou.

Montanha Nevada Zhuoaoyou

No. 60    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 61    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 62    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Xiannairi snow mountain (仙乃日雪山) Baima Xueshan 5429m



Montagne Xiannairi, Baima Xueshan (5429 mètres).

Montanha nevada Xiannairi, Baima Xueshan 5.429 metros

No. 63    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 64    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

No. 65    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Baima Xueshan 5429m


Baima Xueshan 5429 mètres

Baima Xueshan 5.429 metros

No. 66    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Meili snowy mountains: east face of Dameiyong.



Montagne Meili ; La face Est de la montagne Dameiyong.

Montanhas nevadas Meili: face leste de Dameiyong.

No. 67    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Meili snowy mountains: east face of Dameiyong.



Montagne Meili ; La face Est de la montagne Dameiyong.

Montanhas nevadas Meili: face leste de Dameiyong.

No. 68    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Meili snowy mountains: the west face of Metsumo peak


Montagne Meili ; La face Ouest du sommet Metsumo.

Montanhas nevadas Meili: face oeste do pico Metsumo

No. 69    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Meili snowy mountains: the west face of Wuguan peak



Montagne Meili ; La face Ouest du sommet Wuguan.

Montanhas nevadas Meili: face oeste do pico de Wuguan

No. 70    Photo taken by Li Lichuan

Meili snowy mountains: Metsumo peak - bird's eye view taken at an altitude of 7000m



Montagne Meili ; vue aérienne du sommet Metsumo à 7000 mètres d’altitude.

Montanhas nevadas Meili: pico Metsumo – vista aérea, altitude 7.000 metros.

No. 71    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

Kawagebo: the highest peak of Meili Snow mountain range(6,740m, East face)



Kawagebo : le plus haut sommet de la montagne Meili (6740 mètres, face Est).

Kawagebo: o pico mais alto da cadeia de montanhas nevadas Meili (6.740 metros, face leste)

No. 72    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

Metsumo Peak (6,054m) of Meili Xueshan, a wife of Kawagebo Peak



Sommet Metsumo (6054 mètres) de Meili Xueshan.

Pico Metsumo (6.054 metros) de Meili Xueshan, parceiro do pico Kawagebo.

No. 73    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

A full moon illuminates Meili bright; Ablazing from the village of Feilai Temple echoes the moonlight



La pleine lune illumine la montagne Meili ; Brillante à partir du village du temple Feilai.

A lua cheia ilumina Meili; irradiando da vila de Templo Feilai, ecoa a lua.

No. 74    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi



No. 75    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

Kawagebo Peak of Meili Xueshan, North west face and the glacier from the ground



Face Nord-Ouest du sommet Kawagebo de Meili Xueshan et le glacier vus du sol.

Pico Kawagebo de Meili Xueshan, face noroeste e geleira.

No. 76    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

East face of Kawagebo Peak and East side of Mingyong Glacier. Mingyong Glacier runs under the woods range.



Face Est du sommet Kawagebo et partie droite du glacier Mingyong. Le glacier Mingyong s’étend sous les bois.

Face leste do pico Kawagebo e parte leste da geleira Mingyong. A geleira de Mingyong corre na área dos bosques.

No. 77    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

The East face of Kawagebo Peak and Village of Feilai Temple



Face Est du sommet Kawagebo et du village du temple Feilai.

Face leste do pico Kawagebo e a vila de Templo Feilai.

No. 78    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

A view of Meili Snow mountain from the Valley of Lancang River (the Mekong River). The elevation difference from the river bed to the summit is more than 4,700m.



Vue de la montagne Meili à partir de la vallée de la rivière Lancang (la rivière du Mekong). La différence d’élévation du lit de la rivière au sommet est de plus de 4700 mètres.

Vista da montanha Nevada Meili a partir do vale do rio Lancang (rio Mekong). A altitude entre o leito do rio e o topo é de mais de 4.700 metros.

No. 79    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

A view of Kawagebo Peak from autumn-tint Mingyong Village



Vue du sommet Kawagebo à partir du village de Mingyong sous les couleurs d’automne.

Vista do pico Kawagebo da vila Mingyoun sob a matiz do outono.

No. 80    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

Mingyong Village in Spring and Kawagebo Peak. The water thawed from the Glacier moistened Mingyong Village all the year round.



Le village Mingyong et le sommet Kawagebo au printemps. L’eau fondue du glacier humidifie le village de Mingyong toute l’année.

Vila Mingyong na primavera e o pico Kawagebo. O degelo abastece a vila Mingyoung durante o ano.

No. 81    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

Tibetan pilgrims walking to the fall of the glacier of Meili Xueshan


Les pèlerins tibétains marchent jusqu’à la chute du glacier de Meili Xueshan.

Peregrinos tibetanos caminhando em direção à queda da geleira de Meili Xueshan.

No. 82    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi


No. 83    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

The people living in the area prey to the sacred peak Kawagebo every morning


Chaque matin, les personnes vivant dans cette région prient pour le mont sacré Kawagebo.

As pessoas da região rezam toda manhã para o pico sagrado Kawagebo.

No. 84    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi


No. 85    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi

Flower of Rhododendron with a satellite peak of Kawagebo


Fleur de Rhododendron avec le sommet Kawagebo

Flor de Rododendro com o pico Kawagebo.

No. 86    Photo taken by Naoyuki Kobayashi
